(Accessible only from JLAN, JAEA-LAN and KEK-LAN. 2.1 Start your browser, and access to J-PARC SSL-VPN certification site. If you need password information,visit here. Your account will be locked if the password is not changed. So no retaking the password is necessary for connecting with 'Pulse Secure Client'. ※If you already use SSL-VPN connection with 'Network Connect' with your own password, continuously use them to connect with 'Pulse Secure Client'. Please change the initial-password as soon as you received it. UserID and initial-password are sent you after the completion of your SSL-VPN application. Go to Network Connect Part for the following platforms
Available platforms Supported platforms of Pulse Secure Client for Windows(application for connection) User's Guide (Pulse Secure Client for Windows) Indexġ.